Experience Skiing in Canada

Experience Skiing in Canada


Canada’s relationship with winter and skiing goes back a long way. Norwegian immigrants skied in Ottawa and Montreal in the late 1800s, and the Laurentian Mountains north of Montreal are known as the birthplace of Canadian skiing. Out west, Norwegian gold miners were skiing in the Canadian Rockies around the turn of the century.

Canada ski background

The Natural Attributes

Canada is well endowed. Besides its long winters and abundant snow, Canada has been blessed with mountains: big mountains, tall mountains, steep mountains, lots and lots of mountains. Some of the names are near mythic monikers in the skiing pantheon: the Monashees, Selkirks, Cariboos, and the Gothics. But the biggest attribute of all is the people. Canadian people welcome outsiders with open arms, open fields of snow, and open beers bottles.


Skiing in Eastern Canada

There is more skiing in Quebec than in any other Eastern Canadian province. More than 100 alpine areas and probably twice as many cross-country centers dot its winter map. Skiing here is as much of a nighttime activity as it is a daytime one, with more than 20 resorts offering skiing under the lights. Not only do eastern Canadians ski anytime of the day or the night, but they ski on anything. When Canadians are going skiing, they rarely differentiate between cross-country and downhill.


Prices for Skiing services and destinations

Skiing in Canada is cheap. At press time, $1 U.S. equaled $1.35 Canadian, an exchange rate that has been relatively constant over the past years. There are weeklong packages to Canadian ski areas, including airfare, for as little as $600 U.S., and the new Open Skies Agreement means that airfare will go even lower. It is one of the greatest bargains in skiing in the past 20 years. So head for the Great White North this winter and have a great time.


Get to ski at the Sun Peaks, near Kamploops, Lake Louise and also Mount Tremblant with starting lessons for the beginners and kids.


Skiing is an experience that will remain in your mind for a long time. Make sure to visit Canada and get around the resorts to have fun in skiing.

Canadian Tourism

Canadian Tourism


Canada is arguably one of the best countries in the whole world. There is something about its reserved serene beauty; untouched and unscathed. Yet it is some of the most developed nations and has an excellent index of quality of human life. Canada may have some of the harshest and severest landscapes, yet behind its cold wintry landscapes it has a big, warm and glowing heart. The kindness and politeness of the people of Canada is inseparable with their national identity. They are world renowned for their hospitality and mild mannered nature.


Sites and scenes of Canada

Canada is the second largest country in the whole world and has some of the most diverse and has an overwhelmingly geographical diversity. One could sate their love for travel with Canada’s many places that are a hub for tourism all around the world. Canada holds many sites loved and admired by all around the world; from the breathtaking tours of Niagara Falls to the beautiful mountain Valley of the ten peaks set besides the clear Moraine lakes, Canada holds beautiful natural treasures for every soul. You could tirelessly scathe Canada’s natural bounties and never cease to be amazed of all its beauties.



Major cities and provinces


British Columbia

In Canada are located, some of the most beautiful cities in the whole world. Impeccable in their creation, yet they are accommodating. Some of the major cities of Canada such as Vancouver, British Columbia, Toronto etc. are endeared by tourists around the world. Many of these cities and small towns have rich and deep rooted cultures that are cherished and celebrated by locals with a great deal of enthusiasm and makes the time spent in Canada eventful and memorable.


The love of Cities

Cities in Canada also hold many famed museums and building that are known for certain significance like the C.N. tower in Toronto is some of the tallest buildings in the world and is loved by many, West Edmonton mall which is some of the largest malls in the whole world. Canada has something for every being to rejoice in.


Canada, often overshadowed by the more powerful neighbour below, is actually a nation that goes past al adversaries and still gives you reasons to fall in love with this place.